And also at low frequency, we have the angle is 0. Note that at low frequency, we have 0 decibels. Now look at some of the characteristics here. And if the circuit is overdamped, I will get this sort of behavior. Now, I can take, 20 times the log of the magnitude and plot that here, and then I can also take the angle of the transfer function and plot it here. In the last module, we derived the transfer function of an RLC Circuit, where this is the input here, is its source, and then, this is the output of the circuit, which is the voltage across the capacitor, and this is the transfer function. We're going to be building upon the analysis that we've already done for RC circuits where we took a simple circuit like this and showed how to derive the frequency response or the Bode plot for that. This lesson is on Bode plots of RLC circuits. Welcome back to Linear Circuits, this is Dr.